This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
This substance, made by Gerhardt in 1853, and reported on therapeutically by Kussmaul, of Strasbourg, in 1886, is derived from Anilin, to which it is chemically closely allied; it quickly came into use from its cheapness and its rapidity of action. A. Cahn and P. Hepp investigated its properties, and said "we would wish to term it Antifebrine."
Characteristics. Pure white, crystalline powder or moderately large rhombic plates, of a somewhat fatty feel and silky lustre, slightly burning to the tongue. Scarcely soluble in cold, more readily in hot water, 1 in 50 parts; easily in alcohol and wine.
"Obtained by the action of Glacial Acetic Acid on Aniline and subsequent purification."-1890. Add. to B. P.
Melts at 113° C, has neither acid or basic properties.
Therapeutics. Lowers temperature 1° to 5° F. in fevers, as typhoid, pneumonia, erysipelas, and acute rheumatic gout. Safe even in large doses (45 grains in 24 hours). Usual dose: 3 to 10 grains.
It is useful in controlling almost every kind of nerve pain.
Formula for Rheumatism.
Antifebrin...............1 drachm.
Brandy................4$ ounces.
Dissolve, and add Distilled water ............6 drachms.
Simple Syrup ............6 ,"One teaspoonful as required." - H. Helbing.
"It ought to be prescribed under its proper chemical name of Acetanilid. Occasionally it produces alarming effects." - Brit. Med.
Joum., 8-2-90.
Dose : 4 to 15 grains, once, twice, or at most thrice a day : or 4 grains, six to eight times a day, for three days, in acute cases.
"Doses of 3 grains a day have benefited epilepsy, with slow feeble circulation." - Bartholow, Coll. and Clin. Rec.
Antifebrin And Antipyrin Compared. Antipyrin. Antifebrin
Lowers temperature in half- In one hour or more, an-hour.
Effect lasts two hours. More diaphoretic. Depressing after-effects. Cerebral sedative. Dose : 15 to 30 grains
Effect lasts six hours. More diuretic. No after effects. Cerebral stimulant. Dose : 5 to 15 grains : not over 45 grains in twenty-four hours.
Tolerance from continued use, in both.
"When one can wait an hour, latter preferable, as its stimulant or tonic effects are often valuable."- Therapeutic Gazette, June 1887, p. 382.
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