Characteristics. A sour liquid resembling glycerine or syrup, without odour or colour, containing 75 % of Absolute Lactic Acid; s.g., 1.212. Produced by the lactic fermentation of certain saccharine and amylaceous substances, as sugar of milk (thus C12H22O11 + H20 = 4C3H603. Sugar of milk Lactic acid) in the presence, either as cause or effect, of the Fungus, Pennicellium Glaucum (Pasteur).

Therapeutics. - Diabetes, &c; 1 part to 15 of water is valuable in Diphtheria. Dose, 5 to 15 drops, diluted.

Also successful in severe dyspepsia when irritation is subdued: 15 to 20 minims, in a tablespoonful of water at meal times, to improve tone and power of stomach. Valuable in diarrhoea, etc. Acid Lactic .. .. 150 grains.

Syr. Mori. .. .. 8 ounces.

Aquae .. ... .. 1 quart.

Half-glass of above between meals. A spray (20 min. to 1/2 fl. oz. water), acts powerfully on the false membrane of diphtheria.

The dilute or medicinal Lactic Acid consists of 1 part of above acid to 5 parts of water; s.g., 1.040.