This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
White crystals, used as the above. These two acids are supposed to kill the tubercle microbe.
Used now, made up in a plaister, for epidermis thickened by disease, to be applied and not removed for several weeks. Salicylic acid has a peculiar solvent action on epidermic tissue. Brit. Med. Jour. 1884, page 602. Its action on corns (combined with Indian hemp) is owing to this property. Useful for excessive sweating.
Diiodosalicylic acid. C6H2I2OHCOOH. Crystalline, soluble in alcohol, antifebrifuge, in doses of 20 grains.
The active ingredient of Ergot, according to Dragendorff.
Characteristics. Tasteless, odourless, and feebly acid, contained (1.5 to 4.5) combined with Lime in Ergot; a pale coloured powder, so hygroscopic that it should be preserved in absolute alcohol.
Therapeutics. Has properties of Ergot i.e., oxytocic and haemostatic: it diminishes the excitability of the medulary centres and lowers the blood-pressure. Alkalies decompose it. Dose, 2 to 5 grains produce strong uterine contractions: hypodermically, strength of injection, 1/2 grain of acid in 60 minims of water.
Large crystals. A test for albumen in urine: 10 m. of a solution (1 in 2 water), added to urine in a test tube, shows opalescence or a precipitate of albumen.
" I can speak very highly of its results." - Dr. Tirard, Lancet, 21.3.91.
Also burns away corns and warts.
Has been used with success in neuralgia, especially of the fifth pair. Dose, 1/140 grain in solution, increasing to 1/12 grain.
This plant grows on the Himalayas, and is very potent.
Internally for pneumonia and pleurisy; externally for neuralgia. Tincture (1 in 10), dose: 1 to 5 minims.
One of the largest known trees. Bark is valuable in the fevers of the west coast of Africa, as a diaphoretic tonic. Dose, 1 ounce to pint of water, as an infusion, to be taken in one day. The pulp of the fruit is used for dysentery.
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