This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Known to ancients as "Aesipum." A mixture of Cholesterin fats: exists in hair, blood, bile, gall stones, and is found abundantly in wool-grease. Adeps Lanae is anhydrous Lanolin.
The purified cholesterin fat of sheep's wool.
Characters and Tests. A yellowish tenacious unctuous substance; almost inodorous; with a melting-point varying from 100° F. (370.8 C.) to 112° F. (44°.4C); readily soluble in ether and in chloroform, sparingly soluble in rectified spirit. - 1890. Add to B. P.
Preparation in which wool fat is used. Adeps Lanae Hydrosus.
Characters and Tests. Yellowish white; free from rancid odour. When heated it separates into an upper oily and lower aqueous layer.
Preparation in which hydrous wool fat is used. Unguentum Conii. Add to B. P., 1890.
Liebreich observed that "it absorbs over 100 % of water." Its peculiar property is that it is more readily absorbed by the skin than lard or petroleum jellies.
Adeps Lanae hydrosus, or Lanolin, contains about 30 per cent. of water.
A herb with large yellow flowers. It increases the action of the heart, like Digitalis. Dried leaves have been used on the Continent as a drastic purgative. Dose: infusion, to 1 ounce; cone, infusion (1 to 7), up to 1 drm.; tincture 10 to 60 drops; fl. ext. 3 to 6 drops.
Adonis cestivalis has similar properties.
Glucoside; active principle of Adonis Vernalis.
Amorphous, odorless, bitter powder; similar in effects and dose to Digitalin, but more active, without cumulative action. Soluble in water and alcohol, insoluble in ether and chloroform. It contracts the kidneys. It is good in weak and dilated heart, 1/10 grain three times a day.
"A cardaic tonic with little, if any, diuretic action." - Lanceci 24-11-88.
The tannate is a yellowish powder, soluble in alcohol.
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