Aenaiithc Phellandrium. (Lamk.) Phellandrium Aquaticum. Water Fennel. N. O. Umbelliferce

The seeds are used in Germany to quiet coughs, allay restlessness, and give expectoration. Dose, fluid extract, 5 to 20 minims. In French Codex, 1884.

Aesculus Hippocastanum. Horse Chesnut. N. 0. Sapindacece

The fixed oil, extracted from the kernels by ether, is used for rheumatism. Leaves for whooping cough, and seeds for hemorrhoids. AEsculin (C21H24O13) much resembling Fraxin from the bark of the Ash, is the bitter crystalline glucoside from the bark. For periodic neuralgia. Dose, 15 grains, twice daily. Agar - Agar. (See page 41.)

Agaric; Boletus Laricis. Polyporus Officinalis. White Agaric. N. 0. Fungi

In white spongy pieces. A powerful cathartic, and valuable in hectic night sweats. Dose, 5 to 30 grains: of fluid ext., 5 to 30 minims. An important factor in the good effects of "Warburg's Tincture."

Agaricin. Agaricic Or Laricic Acid

Agaricin. Agaricic Or Laricic Acid

White crystalline powder, slightly soluble in water. The active principle of above with similar effects. Agaricin contains about 96 % of Agarieie acid. Dose, 1/12 to 1/5 grain in pill at night. Checks cough, promotes sleep, and restrains perspiration.

Agaricus Muscarius. Amanita Muscarius. Fly Fungus. N. 0. Fungi

A poisonous intoxicant, used as the latter by the Tartars. It contains the narcotic alkaloid Muscarine {which see).

Ajowan. Ptychotis (Carum) Ajowan. India. N. 0. Umbelliferaz

Small seeds; their vol. oil, about five per cent., smelling of thyme, yields a stearoptene - about 35 per cent. - identical with thymol.

Therapeutics. Carminative tonic, used for colic and cholera. The oil externally for rheumatism. Dose of the oil, 1 to 3 drops on sugar. Under the name "Ammi Officinal," in French Codex, 1884.

Alantol. C20H22O

A liquid, aromatic, used like creosote for phthisis.

Alantic Acid. C15 H22 03

White crystals, soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water, but forming soluble salts. Antiseptic like Helenin. Both the above are found in Inula helenium.

Allyl Tribromide. Br3C3H5

Formed by action of Iodide of Allyl with Bromine. A white strong smelling liquid, soluble in ether. In capsules of 5 drops each in asthma and hysteria, as an anti-spasmodic. Aldehyde. C2H40. CO(CH3)H.

Alcohol, oxidised, becomes Aldehyde (and afterwards Acetic acid). Diluted Aldehyde is a solution of 15 per cent, in alcohol. Used in congestion of the throat, quickening respiration. Is also anti-putrescent.