Apomorphia. C17 H17 NO2

Morphia less a molecule of water. {Morphia is C17H19N03). Produced from morphia, by heating in vacuo with hydrochloric acid: from this hydrochlorate, the pure alkaloid is obtained. White, amorphous, turning green on exposure.

Arachis Hypogaea. Ground Nut. Africa. N. 0. Leguminosce

Cultivated in West Tropical Africa; the seeds are exported to Marseilles, etc, where the nut oil is pressed The legume, forced back by re-curved stem, matures underground.

Alalia Hispida. Dwarf Elder. N. America. X. 0. Araliaceae

Emetic and purgative. Dose of fluid extract, 30 minims. [The root of Aralia nudicaulis is False or American sarsaparilla.]

Araroba or Goa Powder. AndiraAraroba. Brazils. N. O. Leguminosce

Produced probably by oxidation of resin; found deposited in the wood of the trunk of this large tree. The powder is very bitter, pale yellow, darkening. For ringworm, psoriasis, and many skin diseases. [Active principle - Chrysophanic acid, see Chrysarobin.]

Arbutin. C12 Hl6 07 (C25 H34 014?)

From Arctostaphylos Uva Ursi. N. 0. Ericaceae.

A glucoside in white needle-shaped crystals, soluble in 8 parts of water and alcohol: for catarrh of the urinary organs. Non-poisonous. Dose, 15 grains at a time: 45 to 60 grains, in 24 hours. Lancet, July 21st, 1883.

Arctium Lappa. L. Major Or L. Officinalis. Burdock. Indigeneous. N. 0. Composites. (French "Bardane")

The seeds and root have been used with success in some obstinate skin diseases, as psoriasis, as an alterative. Dose of tincture (proof spirit; 1 of well-crushed fresh seeds in 10), 2 drachms three times a day: fluid extract, 20 to 60 minims.

Arecoline. C8 H13 N02

From Areca Catechu, N. 0. Palmese.

An oily, volatile, colourless liquid, strongly alkaline, soluble in usual solvents. One of three alkaloids, 0.1 per cent. in the nut; it forms-salts. (Another alkaloid is arecaine, inactive; colourless crystals.)

It is anthelmintic and very poisonous, like Muscarin; a heart poison, acting also on intestines, contracting the pupil of the eye.

Arsenic Bromide

Has produced benefit in diabetes, in arresting the sugar in the patient's water. Dose, 1/50 grain.