Minute, shining, whitish-grey crystals; bitter, and turning greenish on exposure. Soluble in water..

Therapeutics. Hyperdomically, a safe, certain, and quick emetic. Dose, 1/10 grain dissolved in alcohol and water; or 1/4 grain by the mouth: generally produces no nausea or bad after-effects: excellent in croup and diphtheria; for cough, in mixture, 1/100 to 1/40 grain as a dose.

As a cough sedative and expectorant in bronchial catarrh, 1/3 to 1/2 grain in 12 ounces of water; one tablespoonful every two hours.

Officinal in the British, German, and U. S. A. Pharmacopoeias.

Syrup of Hydrochlorate of Apomorphine. B. P. C. Formulary. Dose: 1/2 to 1 fluid drachm.