Benzoyl Cuaiacol. Benzosol

A compound of Benzoic Acid with pure Guaiacol; a colourless tasteless crystalline powder, insoluble in water, soluble in chloroform, ether, or hot alcohol; it contains 54 % of Guaiacol. For phthisis, it does not affect stomach: dose, 4 to 12 grains, in wafers.

"In the digestive tract it soon splits up into Guaiacol and Benzoic Acid; this occurs partially in the stomach, but chiefly in the small intestine." - Therapist, . July, 1891.

BerberiS aquifolilum. Mountain Grape, Rocky Mountain Barberry, Oregon Grape. United States. N. 0. Berberidacece. The root is a powerful tonic alterative, in syphilis, scrofula, etc. It contains berberine, oxyacanthine, berbamine, and phytosterin. Dose of fluid extract, 15 to 30 drops, several times a day.