Boletus Laricis

(See Agaric.)


Ccesalpinia Bonducella. C. Bonduc. Asia, etc. N. 0. Leguminoscae.

Characteristics. The seeds are grey from the former, and yellow from the latter. In Indian Pharmacopoeia. The oily cotelydons, in a hard greyish shell, have a bitter taste.

Therapeutics. Bitter tonic, anti-periodic. Dose, powdered seeds, 10 to 15 grains.

Boroglyceride of calcium and sodium.

A white glassy mass, very soluble in water, a strong and innocuous surgical antiseptic, and food preserver. Mix 1 part to 30 or 40 parts of water. The patented article, Boroglyceride, is reported to contain glycerine and boracic acid, heated together.

Bromal. C2 H Br3 O

An oily liquid. (Chloral is C2 H Cl3 O.) Relieves pain and gives.

Sleep; also averts paroxysms of epilepsy. Dose, 3 grains occasionally.

Bromal Hydras. C2 H Br3 O. H2 0

Bromal, united with water, as a crystalline compound. A hypnotic, but irritating. Dose, 2 to 4 grains.

Brromoform. C H Br3

Produced by the action of Bromide on alcohol in presence of an alkali; anaesthetic. A very volatile, colourless fluid. For whooping cough: 2 to 5 drops 3 times a day, in a mixture of wine and water.

Bryonia Dioica

B. alba. White Byrony. The only indigenous species of N. 0. Cueurbitacea.

Root. Irritant; useful in pleurisy. Cathartic in large doses. Tincture (1 in 8 rect. spirit): dose, 1 to 10 drops. [Tamus communis, Black Briony, N. 0. Dioscoreacese, has similar properties.]


Resinoid of Bryonia dioica and B. alba.

The bitter active principle; soluble in spirit and water. Strong cathartic in dropsy, etc. Dose, 1/4 to 2 grains.

Bryonine. C48 H80 019

The pure Alkaloid, not Resinoid.


From Buxus Sempervirens. N. 0. Euphorbiaceee.

An alkaloid identical with the beberine of Nectandra bark; called the poor man's Cinchona. A valuable anti-intermittent. Dose, 1 to 8 grains.