Cahinca, Chiococca Allguifuga

Raiz preta. Brazils. N.O. Rubiacea. Large woody pale-brown root, with little taste and no odour. A powerful diuretic in dropsy, etc. Dose, extract 10 to 20 grains; fluid extract, 20 to 40 drops. [Active principle is Caincic acid, in fine white needle crystals, soluble in alcohol.] In French codex, 1884.

Calcium Benzoate. Ca (C7 H5 02)2 (Benzoic Acid is C7 H6 02)

White efflorescent crystalline grains. In Bright's disease and albuminuria of pregnancy. Solubility, 10 grains to 1 ounce of water. Dose, 5 to 10 grains every three hours.

Calcium Phosphate. Ca3 (P04)2

This tribasic salt is being used in consumption, in doses of 1 to 4 drachms daily, mixed with water and a little hydrochloric acid - it stimulates the appetite, improves digestion, and lessens perspiration.

Calendula Officinalis. Marigold. N. O. Composite

Fresh flowering herb. Tincture, 1 in 10. Useful as an ointment to wounds; 1 part of tinct. to 9 of lard.


(See Mudar Bark.)

Camphor, Monobromated. C10 H15 Br O

White transparent prisms, brittle, with a camphoraceous terebinthinate odour, soluble in alcohol. Camphor in which bromine replaces one atom of hydrogen. (Camphor is C10 Hl6 O.) [Continued over.

Therapeutics. Hypnotic, a useful sedative in whooping cough. Dose, 2 to 5 grains in a pill. In French Codex, 1884.

Phenol Camphor, or Carbolated Camphor; a thin oily fluid, an excellent antiseptic for wounds, etc.

Salicylated Camphor. An unctuous mixture; antiseptic externally and internally. Dose 1 to 3 grains.

Cannabine Tannate

From Cannabis Sativa var. Indiea. N. 0. Canna-binacecc.

Introduced by Dr. Fronmiiller of Forth; a yellowish brown powder, scarcely soluble in water or alcohol. The poisonous substance in Cannabis indica is removed, and the hypnotic effect alone preserved, without interference with the secretions. Dose, \\ to 5 grains at night time. Haschisch, in French Codex, 1884, is the Persian native extract of Indian hemp, often sweetened; it is prepared by treating alcoholic extract of Indian hemp with caustic alkali, and consists of the soft resin Cannabinon, and the poisonous alkaloid Tetanine. Dose, \ to 1 grain.