This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Picramnia. Mexico. N. 0. Simarubacece.
The bark is a tonic alterative, especially anti-syphilitic. Dose of fluid extract, 1 drachm, 3 times a day.
Formula. Take of Dose, 15 minima to 2 fluid drachms.-B.P.C. Formulary. "Also for rheumatism." - Lancet, Sept., 1888, page 420.
Tincture of fresh 0 range Peel......... | 2 fluid oz. |
Rectified Spirit............... | 1 |
Cinnamon Water ............ | 3 „ |
Syrup .................. | 6 " |
Liquid Extract of Cascara Sagrada...... Mix. | 8 „ |
Erythrophlaum guineense. West Africa. N. 0. Leguminosoe.
In heart affections, strengthens and moderates the action of the heart like Digitalin. Poisonous in large doses. "A more powerful heart tonic than Digitalis." - Dr. T. L. Brunton, British Medical Journal, March, 1887. Dose of tincture (rect. 1 in 10), 5 to 10 minims. The ordeal poison of Angola - if it causes vomiting, the victim is acquitted; if purging, he is executed. [Alkaloid, Erythrophleine, which see.] Castanea Vesca. Chestnut. N. 0. Cupulifera.
Leaves : used in America for whooping cough. The U.S.A. Pharm. contains the fluid extract: dose, 5 to 60 minims.
From rhizome of Caulophyllum Thalictroidet (Blue Cohosh). N. 0. Berberidacece.
An electric resinoid: a tonic in child-birth, or to relieve after-pain, especially with Cypripedin and Scutellarin Dose, 2 to 5 grains.
Simaba Cedron. New Granada. 2V. 0. Simarubacea (or Rutacea).
The cotyledons are 1 1/2 inches long ; very bitter; allied to Quassia. Has been used for snake bites and also hydrophobia.
Therapeutics. Tonic and anti-spasmodic, useful in malaria and dyspepsia. Dose of fluid ext., 3 to 20 minims, every few hours. It is officinal in the French Codex, 1884.
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