Rliainmis Purshiana. California. N. 0. Rhamnacea.

Characteristics. Bark. Largish pieces, rather flat and thin, breaking short; pale yellowish brown, with adherent brown outer bark, and dark fibrous inner layer; little odour, and nauseous taste; when the outer layer is corrugated and thickened, the bark is not so valuable.

Therapeutics. Used in obstinate dyspeptic or bilious constipation (especially where the use of cathartics has done harm), combined with extract of malt, or as an Elixir, to conceal its nauseous bitter taste. Dose 20 drops of fluid extract, or a teaspoonful of Elixir, preferably before meals, twice a day for about a fortnight: ripe fruit and copious draughts of cold water assist this treatment.

Dose, 1/2 to 2 fl. drms. of B. P. fluid extract; 2 to 8 grains of the solid extract.

The inspissated fluid extract can be given in capsules, or the bitter taste can be removed from a fluid preparation.