

Suggested by Von Mering. It is a combination of chloral ana formamide.

In colourless crystals, dissolving in 9 parts of water (cold, not hot water, which might decompose it), with mild, slightly bitter taste.

Therapeutics. A safe hypnotic; dose 30 to 45 grains in water and syrup, or weak alcohol; it takes effect in half an hour and lasts 7 to 9 hours. In nervous excitement and restlessness not accompanied with acute pain; it does not disturb pulse, stomach, kidneys, respiration, or temperature. "Its effects resemble Paraldehyde." - Lancet, 15-2-90. In new German Pharmacopoeia.

Chloral-Imide. CC13. CH. N.H

A new hypnotic, allied to chloral. In long needle crystals, without colour, odour, or taste, insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol. Dose, same as chloral hydrate.

Chrysarobin. C30 H26 07

( Chrysophanic Acid is C15 H10 O4, or by some C14 H8 04.)

Characteristics. Yellow powder, or golden needle crystals, soluble in ether and alcohol. A mixture of proximate principles, commonly misnamed Chrysophanic acid, separated by solvents from Goa powder, which see. Chrysarobin, on absorbing Oxygen, becomes Chrysophanic acid. Discovered in 1819 in a lichen; it seems the active principle of Rhubarb root.

Therapeutics. The ointment (10 to 20 grains to the ounce of lard) is most valuable in ringworm and other skin diseases, as a stimulant parasiticide. Dose, internally, 1/4 to 2 grains in pills, for skin diseases.

Cimicifuga (Actaea) Racemosa

Black Snakeroot. North America N. 0. Ranunculacece.

Rhizome. A successful tonic to nerves in acute rheumatism, spasms, etc. Tincture (1 in 4) dose, 15 to 60 drops. Fluid extract, dose, 10 to 30 drops.

Therapeutics. Preferred by Bartholow to Digitalis in "fatty heart": valuable as a sedative in headaches attendant on uterine derangement, having special power in nervous sexual hypochondriasis.

Cimicifugin is the resinoid, or impure resin, existing about 3 3/4 per cent, in above: yellowish brown powder. Dose 1 to 4 grains.