
From bark of Remijia Purdieana. . N. 0. Bubiacea: C19 H24 N2 0. The neutral sulphate is (C19 H24 N2 0)2 SO4 H2.

An alkaloid, of which the sulphate and hydrochlorate are employed.

It lowers the vital force of the heart and the nerve centres; said to be more powerful than quinine. Used as a test for nitrates in water.


The web of Tegeneria domestica. (Aranea; Linn.)

Recommended in phthisis and chronic intermittents, in doses of 30 grains; it is styptic, stopping bleeding after tooth-extraction.

Codeine. C17 H18 (CH3) NO3 Methyl Morphia (Latter in C17 H19 N03)

Codeia or Codeine bears the same chemical relation to Morphia as Caffeine does to Theobromine: it has been made artificially from Morphine. An opium alkaloid; white translucent rhombic crystals.

Therapeutics. Sedative in cough, also in sleeplessness: Dose, 1/4 to 2 grains. Valuable in all ovarian pain; 1/2 grain in pill 3 times a day. In diabetes, decidedly checks the elimination of sugar in urine: in gradually increasing doses, 1/2 to 10 grains, three times a day (Dr. Pavy, Guy's Hospital reports, vol. xv).

Codeine Phosphate

Crystallizes in four-sided columns Unlike Sulphate or Chlorate, is soluble in four parts of water: 100 parts contain 70 of Codeine. For hypodermic injection; similar to morphia in action, but less toxic; suitable for sensitive patients. Dose, 1/2 grain.

Codeine Valerianate

An anti-spasmodic sedative. Dose, 1/4 grain.

Colchicine. C17H23N06

Active principle of Colchicum autumnale N.O. Melanthacece.

Alkaloid. In all parts, but most abundant in the seed and in the root. Yellowish white powder, of persistent bitter taste, soluble in water, alcohol and chloroform.

Therapeutics. Diuretic in gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, and Bright's disease. Dose, 1/60 grain three times a day, in pills, or dissolved in water as "drops," or same dose injected hypodermically.

Colchiceine is a powerful brain and spine poison.