Erythroxylon Coca,. N. 0. Erythroxylacea(orbysomeLinacccc).

Leaves: oval, lanceolate, slightly coriaceous: the peculiarity of the genuine is the line running up on either side of the midrib: should be green.

Therapeutics. Restores functions of stomach, toning up mental and physical powers: useful for excess of uric acid and high coloured urine, weak heart, alcohol craving, and sick headache. Doses: solid extract, 5 to 10 grains; fluid extract, 30 to 100 minims; tincture, 1 to 4 drachms; wine, 1/2 to 1 oz. In French Codex, 1884.

"Stimulates nervous system and retards process of metamorphosis, so that work is done with less expenditure of force with than without Coca." - Dr. A. P. Mason, Boston Med. and Surg. Journal, 1882, p. 221.

"Assuages thirst during great exertion in hot countries. An infusion relieves the intense headache of nervous exhaustion, wards off the failure of nerve power during prolonged fever, and enables patients to struggle through their exhaustive diseases." - Medical Times, 1882, page 161. Surgeon Major T. Edmonston Charles, of the Indian army.