A very soluble salt. Dose, 1/8 to 1 grain: a few drops of a 2 per cent solution has decided anaesthetic power on the vocal cords, as well as on the cornea and conjunctiva.

Liquor Cocainae Hydrochloratis. Solution of Hydrochlorate of Cocaine. Take of Boil the water, add the salicylic acid, and then the hydrochlorate of cocaine; cool, and add water, if necessary, to produce the required volume.

Hydrochlorate of Cocaine

... ....

33 grains, ...

or 100 parts.

Salicylic Acid......

• • • ••

1/2 grain, ...

or 1 1/2 parts.

Distilled Water, sufficient to produce 6 fl. drachms, or 1,000 fluid parts.

Dose, 2 to 10 minims. - 1890 Add. to Brit. Phar. Cocaine Phenate or Carbolate.

A topical application against catarrh and rheumatism; paint with 5 to 10 per cent alcoholic solution. Insoluble in water, lymph does not readily wash it away. Coccillana. A species of Guarea. Bolivia. N. O. Meliaceae.

Found by Rusby in 1886. The root is employed: it has been extolled by some New York physicians as an admirable expectorant, surpassing Ipecacuanha, in bronchial catarrh, but not in phthisis.

Dose of fl. ext., 5 to 25 drops every three hours.