The active principle {Alkaloid) of Erythoxylon Coca. C16H19NO8.

Characteristics. Colourless crystals, hardly soluble in cold, easily in warm acidulated water, alcohol, and ether.

Therapeutics. It is one of the best nervous stimulants, often raising the temperature of the body 4 degrees in half an hour. It is dangerous in excessive doses.

Its important use is for local anaesthesia, in 4 to 20percent, solution in water of the Hydrochlorate. Soothing stimulant to increased nervous action of all organs. Dose, 1/4 to 1 grain, or more.

M. Regnault finds strong 10 per cent, solutions beneficial in sea sickness, by producing anaesthesia of the stomach. - Progres Med., Sept. 10th, 1887, page 195.

"A 20 per cent solution of great value in lithotrity: in any vesicourethral instrumentation, solutions of 4 to 20 per cent." - Lancet, Sep. 24th, 1887.

"It stimulates the nerve centres, and is thus antagonistic to chloral, ether and chloroform - thus, in chloral-poisoning give cocaine, in cocaine-poisoning, give chloroform and chloral." - Mosso, Arch. Path. Pharm, June, 1887.

"Has an excito-motor nervo-muscular action on the great constrictor sympathetic nerve, and on all the smooth muscles: therefore useful in atonic gastro-intestinal maladies, as flatulent Dyspepsia, etc." - M. Laffont, Paris, Lancet, June 21st, 1887.

"Stimulant in heart affections and typhoid fever, 1/4 grain every two hours." Dr. Costa, Phil. Med. Times, 1888.

Cocaine - lanoline, or lanoline containing 1 per cent of the alkaloid, often prevents the pain of irritating ointments.

Earache. A 20 per cent solution of the hydrochlorate, often gives ease in otitis externa and otitis media.

Wherever a mucous membrane can be reached by it, the anaesthetic result is sure. - Ephemeris Squibb, 1888, page 1075.

Iso-cocaine, a new local anaesthetic, is reported as more energetic than cocaine.