Gigartina (Fucus) Helminthocorton. Mediterranean. N. 0. Alga.

Generally seen in continental pharmacies as a brown mass, composed of many different Algae, but principally the above. Used as a vermifuge for children; 1/4 to 1 ounce in decoction.

Agar-Agar is a white Alga from Singapore - Fucus Spinosus. (Gelidium corneum).-Used as a gelatine by the Chinese, Yang-tsai.

Gelosin is its mucilaginous substance, which can absorb 500 times its weight of water; this jelly can be used as a cataplasm with the addition of medicinal substances.

Lawrencia papillosa. Japanese Isinglass: sold in Bombay as Chinai-ghas. The Gelose is dried in light four-sided sticks of whitish membrane. Under the name of Thao, used in France for silk dressing. An excellent medium for the cultivation of Bacilli.