
A remedy prepared from the venom (which consists of a globulin and a peptone-like albumose proteid), of the rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus); has been recommended in diptheric scarlatina. Its active principle is Crotaline. The third (homoeopathic) dilution is used, 3 drops for a dose, in a spoonful of water every three hours; or for subcutaneous injection, 3 to 5 drops of first centesimal attenuation.

Curcas Purgans (Jatropha Curcas)

Pyhsic Nuts. Africa. N. 0. Euphorbiacea.

Blackish seeds. Used by natives as a purgative; contain an oil similar to croton oil, having a toxic albumenoid like Ricin.


From root of Cypripedium pubescens. Wild ladies' Slipper. N. 0. Orchidacea. An electric resinoid. Nervine narcotic. For ladies' or children's nervous affections, or where opium is not tolerated. Dose, 1 to 3 grains.


Turnera Aphrodisiaca. Mexico. If. 0. Turneracea.

Small sinuate oval leaves, having strongly developed midrib, on slender reddish stems, with heavy odour and warm taste. The leaves and flowers have been extolled as repairing the generative powers, but it is generally believed without much foundation.

Therapeutics. Damiana is a stimulant tonic, probably strengthening the ganglionic centres, and possibly the bladder, kidneys, etc. Dose, of fluid extract, a teaspoonful several times a day. "Good in some cases of diminished sexual power, where such does not depend on organic disease." E. H. Fenwick, Lancet, September 24th, 1887.

Daturine C17 H23 NO3

Alkaloid of Datura Stramonium. N. 0. Solanacea.

Very light, white, thin prisms, bitter and very poisonous. Has similar chemical properties to atropine and hyoscyamine, and similarly dilates pupil of eye. Dose, 1/100 to 1/10 grain, in solution with diluted sulphuric acid; this forms the Sulphate.


Basic gallate of Bismuth; yellow odourless powder. A non-toxic drying antiseptic for dusting wounds, alone or 20 per cent., and also in an ointment.

Digitalein. Amorphous Glucoside. From Digitalis purpurea. N. 0. Scrophulariacece. Very soluble in water; with effects resembling saponin.