Drosera Rotundifolia

D. longifolia. Sundew. Indigenous. N. 0. Droseracea. This little carnivorous plant has been recommended in asthma, bronchitis, and other diseases of the air passages. Dose of fluid extract, 5 to 20 drops every hour or two. Tincture (1 in 10) dose, 5 to 15 minims.


From Euphorbia Drummondii. West Australia. N. 0. Euphorbiaceae,.

Characteristics. An alkaloid, discovered in 1886 by Dr. John Reid, of Port Germain, Australia, in a plant said to be fatal to cattle eating it; now doubtful if it exists.

Therapeutics. A local anaesthetic. "A few drops of a solution renders the eye insensible, with small dilation of pupil" - Henry Power, Year Book of Treatment, 1888, p. 279.

"Dr. Alexander Ogston, of Aberdeen, carefully tried it, without any perceptible effect." - Brit. Med. Jour., vol. i., 1887, p. 451.

Dubolsia Hopwoodii

(See Pitouri.)

Duboisia Myoporiodes

Australia. N, 0. Scrophulariacece {some make, a N. 0. Atropacea, in which they place it).

Largish thin pale-green leaves, with the veins strongly marked; in commerce, mixed with pale coloured stems. Supplants Atropia in eye-practice, as a dilator of the pupil. Dose, solid extract, 10 grains to 1 ounce of water. [Its alkaloid is Duboisine; dose, 1/2 grain of the sulphate for hypodermic injection.]

Diphenylamine sulphate [ (C6 H6) 2NH ] 2SO 4H2

It presents a white crystalline powder of an odour "sui generis"; it is easily soluble in alcohol. In therapeutics it is not used, but it is applied in chemical analysis as an excellent reagent for nitric and nitrous acid, to which it imparts a blue colour.

Elaterin. C20 H28 05

Active neutral principle of Elaterium; small colourless shining crystals, or white powder. Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and chloroform. In constipation. Dose, 1/50 to 1/5 grain in pill or powder.

Embelia Ribes

India. NO. Mysinea.

An aromatic brown fruit, about the size of pepper.

For tapeworm, 1 to 4 drachms of the powdered fruit in warm milk. Embelic acid, in fine orange-red crystals, is the active principle.

The Embelate of ammonium has powerful taenicidal properties; 3 grains for children, with syrup; castor oil before and after.