This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
From Cephaelis Ipecacuanha. N. 0. Rubiacea.
Alkaloid, the active principle, discovered in 1817, bitter and amorphous, without odour or colour: it exists less than 1 per cent, in the root-bark (the soft, thickened active portion); soluble in chloroform, but little soluble in ether or water. A powerful emetic. Dose, 1/5 grain. [Emetin - soluble extractive. Dose, 1/2-1 grain.]
(See Verba Santa.)
(See Conchalagua.)
(See Casca.)
Alkaloid of Casca or Sassy Bark,
The poisonous active principle; a colourless crystalline alkaloid, soluble in water. Emetic and narcotic. The hydrochlorate is employed and has an action similar to Digitalis and Picrotoxine combined. Dose, 1/20 grain.
(See Physostigmine.)
In white acicular crystals, melting at 138° C.; insoluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol and ether: prepared by treating Caffeine with excess of bromine, and adding sodium to this mono-bromcaffeine, to combine with the bromine.
TheRapeutics. It is so strong a sedative that it may be considered as a narcotic: it acts on the cerebro-spinal system. Strongly recommended for headache. Dose 4 grains.
Dutch liquid. A valuable anaesthetic, resembling chloroform in appearance.
Used in Epilepsy (for which Bromine is the principal remedy). 1 to 3 drops several times a day, largely diluted.
A colourless liquid, smelling of Ether. The vapour, inhaled, relieves the dyspnoea of bronchitic asthma by producing expectoration: dose, 5 drops, 5 to 8 times a day, on a handkerchief.
An anaesthetic; colourless, very volatile heavy liquid, with agreeable odour: coming more into use; it must be quite fresh. Dose: for inhalation, 1 to 6 drachms.
In 10 grain tubes, has been used as a local anaesthetic.
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