Dark brown aqueous extractive from Ergot (the diseased grains of Secale cereale, attacked and altered by the fungus Cordiceps purpurea) produces uterine contractions: this is the true mixed extract, made by the process of Bonjean, of Chambery, probably containing all the sclerotic acid, unaltered. [The Ergotin of Wiggers, also an extractive, has fallen into disuse.] Valuable in relieving internal haemorrhage, epistaxis, and menorrhagia. Dose, 2 to 5 grains; or hypodermically, 1 to 2 parts of water.

Kobert found Ergo tine (acid) or Ergotinic acid, Sphacelinic acid, and Cornutin (basic), all active. The first is a narcotic poison, but without effect on the uterus; the second has a powerful effect on the uterus; so has the third, a strong active poison, dose, 1/60 grain hypodermically.