This alkaloid has been used hypodermically in doses of 1/10 grain: in a solution of 1 part in 10 of glycerine, excellent in haemoptysis: it is probably identical with the alkaloid Ecboline. Wenzell produced it as a brownish shining hard amorphous substance. Ergotinine has been produced as a crystallized alkaloid; dose, 1/200 to 1/100 grain; it is probably present in Ergotine, and possibly identical with Picrosclerotine. Ergot also contains 30 to 35 per cent, of inert fixed oil.

Erigeron Canadensis. Fleabane. N. America. Established and growing wild in some parts of England. N. 0. Composite. Tonic diuretic. In dropsy and kidney disease. Its oil, 15 minims every four hours, in sugared water, is valuable in diarrhoea with debility. Dose of fluid extract, 60 minims.