Boneset. North America. N. 0. Composita. Leaves and flowering tops; mild diaphoretic tonic, especially in catarrh. [Evpatorin, or Eupurpurin, the resinoid active principle. Dose, 1 to 3 grains. Aperient and febrifuge.] Aya-Pana, of which the leaves are in French Codex of 1884, is from Eupatorium triplinerve.

Euphorbia Pilulifera. Australia. N. 0. Euphorbiaceae.

Herb. " The herb Euphorbia Pilulifera, De Candolle, collected when in flower and carefully dried. The involucral glands of the perianth are without appendages. The mature seeds are minutely wrinkled." - B. P. C. Formulary. Small greenish leaves, and hollow brown stalks.

Therapeutics. In Australia it is regarded as a decided cure for asthma, bronchitis, and coughs with expectoration. The plant has most violent action : an ounce of the herb, in 2 quarts of water boiled down to one quart, adding a teaspoonful of alcohol to keep it. Dose, 2 fluid ounces three times a day. Also the tincture : dose, 1 to 2 fluid drachms occasionally; and fluid extract, dose, 10-20 minims.