Euphorin. Phenyl- Urethane, Phenyl-ethylic Urelhane

Carbamate of Ethyl and Phenyl.

Euphorin. Phenyl  Urethane, Phenyl ethylic Urelhane

Produced by action of chloro-carbonate of ethyl on aniline. A white crystalline powder, of faint aromatic taste and odour; slightly soluble in water, readily in alcohol or wine. Antipyretic in fevers, lowering the temperature without collapse; anti-rheumatic and antiseptic.

Dose: Begin with 1 1/2 grains, but going up to 15 grains for an adult; the action appears within an hour.

"Inferior to many other remedies of same nature." - Brit. Med. Journ., 18-10-90.

Fabiana imbricata

(See Pichi.)


(See Anagraum.)

Ferri Albuminas

Prepared with white of eggs and diluted solution of chloride of iron. It contains 5 % of ferric oxide, is a cinnamon-brown powder, or in scales, and soluble in water (especially if slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid). Dose, 20 to 30 grains in pill or solution. Quinine Albuminate is a similar preparation.

Ferri Lactas. Fe. (C3 H5 C3)2

A greenish, crystalline, soluble powder, taken with ease into the system as a tonic. Also in crystals. Dose, 2 to 10 grains.

Ferri Salicylas

Astringent and antiseptic; but little soluble. Dose, 3 to 8 grains.

Ferri Succinas

Supposed to act on calculus in the biliary duct; and, therefore, has been employed in jaundice.

Fir-W©ol Oil

(See page 87.)


(See Yerba Rheuma.)

Fuchsia. C20 H19 N3 HCl x C19 H17 N3 HCl

This is a combination of hydrochlorides of Rosaniline and Para-rosaniline; it can be prepared free from arsenic. Pills made with it are valuable in albuminuria. Dose, 1 grain, in pill; 3 daily.

Fucus vesiculosus

Bladder wrack. Contains Iodine, etc. N.O.Algce. This common brown Alga is supposed to be valuable as a resolvent to diminish morbid obesity. Dose, solid extract, 2 to 5 grains; fluid extract, 1 to 2 teaspoonfuls in water; after meals. As "Varech Vesiculeux,"in French Codex, 1884.