This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Orthomethyl acetanilid. C6 H11 NO. = C6 H5-N (0 H3) CH3 CO.
One of the three methyl derivatives of Acetanilid. In needles or large white tablets, slightly soluble in cold, more in hot water, and very soluble in water containing a little alcohol.
Therapeutics. It resembles Antipyrin in lowering temperature and causing disappearance of pain, quieting especially neuralgic pain. Though its antithermic power may not be as great as that of Antipyrin, its antiseptic power is greater, and its analgesic energy much more pronounced. Dose 2 to 5 grains two or three times in 24 hours.
Prof. Fraser, of Edinburgh, extols it in relieving pain. - Brit. Med. Journ., 15.2.90.
Alarming symptoms have, in exceptional cases, been produced. - Brit. Med. Journ., 3-5-90 and 11-10-90.
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