This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Piperonal. C8 H6 03.
White crystals; it is an artificially built up odorous substance (starting from the Piperin of pepper), with a powerful heliotrope odour.
(See page 21.)
Lawsonia inermis. Arabia, etc. N. 0. Salicarice.
Dried leaves. It is used internally for jaundice. An aqueous decoction dyes the skin reddish-brown, and, by tanning the skin, causes it often to grow again over wounds.
Strychnos Gautheriana. N. 0. Loganiacece.
The bark of a creeper from Tonquin. Has a reputation in China in leprosy, bites of snakes, etc. Its action is analogous to strychnia.
H. antidysenterica (Holarrhina Africana D. C.) Tropical Africa. N. 0. Apocynacece (Apocynece).
The bark is used in India with much success in dysentery. The numerous seeds, brown, fusiform, half an inch long, have been mistaken for Strophanthus, but they are not bitter.
It contains 1/16th % of an alkaloid, Conessine, identical with that obtained from Wrightia; C10 H20 N. Merck has obtained it from the seeds. Substitution: the nearly inert bark of Wrightia tinctoria.
The seeds, bark, and alkaloid are used in dysentery and diarrhoea.
Golden Seal. N. America. N. 0. Ranunculacecc. Rhizome, with bright yellow interior, and bitter taste: in 1890 Add. to B. P. A tonic, purifier of the blood in affections of liver and stomach, and headaches arising therefrom. Dose of tincture, in 1890 B. P. Add. (1 to 10 proof spirit), 20 to 60 minims; fluid extract, 5 minims to fluid drachm. "An astringent vesico-urethral injection, checking mucous discharge." - E. H. Fenwick, Lancet, Sept. 24th, 1887. The liquid extract is in the 1890 Add., to B. P. Dose, 5 to 30 minims.
Eclectic resinoid: the active principle of above, including the Alkaloids Hydrastine and Berberine.
Tonic, to intestines and liver especially. Dose, 2 to 5 grains in pill.
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