
C22H23N06 Also from above.

Crystalline alkaloid. White glossy prisms, scarcely soluble in water, but easily in alcohol, ether, and chloroform.

Therapeutics. Ranks high as an anti-intermittent; has been employed internally in typhus fever, as it produces no derangement, but rather a tonic effect to stomach or intestines, in doses of 1 to 4 grains. Also externally as a tonic astringent for skin diseases, piles, etc, in solution, 1 in 50; or ointment 1 in 8.

Hydrastine Hydroehlorate

Crystalline and soluble in water. Used in fevers; dose 1/2 to 5 grains. Hydrastinine is produced by the oxidation of the alkaloid Hydrastine, and forms salts; its hydroehlorate (hydrastininae hydrochlor.) is anti-hemorrhagic. Dose 1/2 to 1 grain.

Hydride of Amyl

Tentane. C5H12.

An anaesthetic: colourless, volatile liquid, with fruity odour; very light, s.g. 0.626 at 62.6 F.

Hydrocotyle Asiatica

Pennywort. Asia and America. N. 0. Umbellifera. The herb is a purifying alterative and tonic, used in the East for leprosy, syphilis, etc. In French Codex, 1884. In powder, in 10 grain doses several times a day, and externally in ointments.

Hydroquinone* Quinol. C6 H6 02. Para-Di-Oxy-Benzene

This is produced from kinic acid or coal-tar. It is in colourless, prismatic crystals, which are neutral and tasteless, and soluble in water (1 in 20) and alcohol. An antiseptic antipyretic like Resorcin in grain doses; and a non-irritant antiseptic, especially in ophthalmic cases. In photography, for rapidity and delicacy it has been substituted for tannic acid.

Eikonogen is a new, non-poisonous, very clear developer.

Hydro xylamine hydrochlorate. N H3 0. H Cl

In white crystals, soluble in water; discovered by Lossing, has a strong reducing power: probably in photography will be effective to develop the image on the sensitive silver film. Its strongly reducing action may render it valuable, like pyrogallic acid, in some skin affections (1 in 1,000 of alcohol and glycerine), but it is irritating and likely to produce toxic inflammation.