Besides Hyoscyamine, a second alkaloid has been found in Henbane by Ladenburg, of Kiel, viz.: Hyoscine. The difference between Hyoscyamine and Hyoscine is shown especially in their different chemical behaviour with gold chloride: both have the formula C17 H23 N03. The sulphate of Hyoscine does not crystallize, but is a buff powder.

Therapeutics. Its crystallizable salts are administered to enlarge the pupil (in eye practice), like Atropine; but their action is more constant, and at the same time calming and hypnotic. Dose for the eyes, 1 or 2 drops of a 2 % solution. In mania they have proved very soothing internally: dose, 1 grain ('001 gramme): subcutaneously injected, dose, - grain (.0005 gramme), as these preparations are most powerful "calms excitement of the insane." - Lancet, 1889, p. 736.

Under the misnomer of "amorphous sulphate of hyoscyamine" it has been used with great success as a nervine sedative in the lunatic asylums of New York. A good cerebral sedative, in doses of1/200 to I grain.