This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Monochloral-antipyrin is equal molecules of antipyrin and chloral; odourless and tasteless crystals, dissolving in six times its weight of warm water. It induces sleep and soothes pain. Does not irritate the stomach like chloral hydrate and sometimes antipyrin. Dose 15 to 30 grains. Pharrn. Jour., 1-2-90 and 3-5-90.
Chloral hydrate is incompatible with Antipyrin, but from them a compound formed, by heating them together, different from either.
NH4PH202 Ca2PH202 Na PH2 02 KPH202
Useful in first stages of consumption. Dose, 1 to 5 grains. Syrup generally contains 1 grain to the teaspoonful.
A red-brown syrup. Properties as the above. Its germicidal power in preventing the development of bacteria seems well established.
From Gizzard of Gallus Banckiva v. Domesticus.
Digestive dose, 5 to 10 grains. Dr. L. Beale "in Slight ailments " denies that it has any special properties. In the vomiting of pregnancy.
A derivative of Antipyrine and Iodine, soluble in warm water and alcohol; antipyretic in doses of 8 to 12 grains.
Orange crystals: a strong antiseptic and disinfectant, used in a solution of 1 part to 1,000 of water.
From Iris versicolor. Blue Flag. N. America. N. 0. Iridacece.
Active resinoid. A powerful hepatic stimulant, only slightly stimulating the intestines. Dose, 2 to 4 grains to be taken in a pill at bedtime, with a saline aperient in the morning. Its effect is rather depressing to the system. I. Germanica is the principal source in Tuscany of orris root.
Of benefit in the vomiting of pregnancy, as Dr. Mathews Duncan thinks this comes from the liver: 2 grains at night, followed by a saline aperient in the morning. - Medical Times, April 19th, 1884, p. 539.
Pilocarpus pinnatifolius. S. America. N. 0. Rutacece.
Leaves, large and coriaceous, with characteristic indentation at apex. Introduced in the British, German, U.S.A., and French Pharmacopoeias. Powerful sudorific and diaphoretic. Dose, fluid extract, 3 to 20 drops; tincture, (1 in 2), 10 to 60 drops. Its alkaloid is Pilocarpine, which see.
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