All branches of Medical Science have taken great strides of late years. In Surgery, Spencer Wells and Lister, in Biological Medicine, Pasteur and Koch, have made clear steps in advance; and Therapeutics have become more rational, based on more accurate knowledge and a more extended field.

And here an advanced state of information about new Materia Medica must be a decided help to the medical practitioner. Although there are many well-known remedies, superior in general practice to those mentioned in the following pages, yet every medical man has occasionally cases in which he would be glad to "ring the changes," and humour the system of his patient by trying a new medicine.

The information in these Notes is compiled from many sources, extending over several years.

Besides the Medical and Pharmaceutical Periodicals, the author owes thanks to the new Pharmacopoeias of Germany, the United States, and France; to the Year Books of Pharmacy, the Therapeutical works of Bartholow, Wood, Napheys, Farquharson and Ringer; Husemann and Hilger's "Pflanzenstoffe," Hanbury's "Pharmacographia," Bentley and Trimen's "Medicinal Plants," Martindale's "Extra Pharmacopoeia," Squibb's "Ephemeris," the "Therapist," Christy's "New Plants," Baillon's "Botanique Medicale," Quain's "Dictionary of Medicine," Papers by E. M, Holmes, Merck, Helbing, etc, etc. In a few cases Chemical

Formulae and Doses are not put down, where they are not yet sufficiently to be depended upon. May 1884.

A few alterations and additions have been made in the Second Edition. November, 1884.

During the last four years many new remedies have been tried in medicine. Nearly a hundred are added in this Third Edition, and numerous alterations and additions have been made throughout. September, 1888.

In this Fourth Edition, about a hundred new remedies are added, including those in the 1890 Additions to the "British Pharmacopoeia," which increases the matter by about one-fifth. Koch and Pasteur are still in the front rank of those who are fighting in the cause of Truth against the morbid conditions that tend to shorten human life. Chemistry, by its synthetical compounds, has given lately many valuable remedies to Materia Medica. September, 1891.