CHI3 Teriodide of Methenyl. . (Chloroform, C H Cl3 is the terchloride of Methenyl.)

Characteristics. Small lemon-yellow lustrous crystals, or powder.

Therapeutics. A valuable antiseptic, destroying animal virus, and a non-irritant. Coumarin and eucalyptus oil best mask its disagreeable odour. Dose, 1/2 to 2 grains, principally externally to ulcers, etc. Bougies, 3 to 4 inches long, very beneficial in gonorrhoea. Ointments, 1 in 5, or weaker, are prepared with vaseline, fossiline, or lard.

The bacteria of pus seem to decompose Iodoform, setting free Iodine.

Introduced into surgery by Van Mosetig-Moorhof in 1879. - Is a successful unirritating anodyne application; 10 % in vaseline for burns.