Avt-ava. Piper Methysticum. Pacific Islands. N. 0'. Piperacea.

Pale whitish spongy rhizome and rootlets, with slight unpleasant odour and rather hot taste. Kava, the intoxicating drink of the Pacific islands, is prepared in 20 minutes (and therefore without fermentation) by the root of leaves being masticated - produces a melancholy drunkenness. The root contains a yellow essential oil, a neutral balsamic resin, Lewinine, and a crystalline principle, Kavahine, or Methysticin, discovered in 1844 by T. N. R. Morson.

Therapeutics. The root is valuable in muco-purulent discharges from the uretho-vesical mucous membrane, first so recommended in Europe in 1857. It is considered, in America, to have a marked action on the genito-urinary tracts. Dose of fluid extract 1 drachm, three times a day, on a full stomach. "Of benefit in cystitis and urethritis; inferior to copaiba and sandal oil, but more pleasant to take." E. H. Fenwick, Lancet, September 24th, 1887.