This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
White granular powder, with faint odour. One of the best gout medicines. Soluble in 4 parts of water. Dose, 2 to 10 grains.
A scale preparation, containing 3 parts of Guaiacum and 1 part of Lithium. Used in gout. Dose, 5 grains a day, in 2 or 3 pills.
Small white crystals, soluble in water. In gout, as it dissolves lithates. Dose, 4 to 15 grains.
White powder, very soluble in water. Gout: dose, 4 to 15 grains.
From Strobiles of Humulus Lupulus. N. 0. Cannabinaceea.
Yellow glandular powder. Aromatic bitter. Dose, 2 to 4 grains.
Giant Puff Ball. N. 0. Fungi.
Valuable as a soft surgical dressing, from its properties as a powerful local haemostatic: the interior dusty mass, being the capillitium and spores of the mature plant, is used. ["Amadou" or Oak Agaric is from Boletus igniarius; Polyporus igniarius.]
L. Clavatum. Club Moss. N. 0. Lycopodiacea.
The Yellow spores of the Club Moss. The ethereal tiocture, dissolving the oil (after fracturing envelopes of spores by two hours trituration with sugar of milk), is beneficial for boils, and is reported to do good to the three great tracts of mucous membrane. Dose of tincture, 15 minims to 1 drachm in water, twice a day. "Of real value in irritable bladder." - Lancet, September 24th, 1887.
Piligamne is the alkaloid of L. saussurus Brazils, found by Adrian. A soft yellow mass; poisonous, emetic cathartic.
Franciscea uniflora. Brazil. N. 0. Scrophulariaea.
The pale brown, hard, odourless root and stem, covered with bark. It contains an active alkaloid, Manacine and a fluorescent compound nearly identical with gelseminic acid.
The Rapet Utics. It purifies the blood and is antisyphilitic; by inducing profuse perspiration is valuable against rheumatism. Dose of root, 1 drachm to 1/2 ounce; of fluid extract, 5 to 20 drops, thrice daily.
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