This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Paraguay Tea. Ilex Paraguayensis. S. America. N. 0. Aquifoliacece.
A mixture of broken up stems and leaves, dull green, of a pleasant tea-like odour. The hot infusion, prepared as ordinary tea, is taken through a tube, in South America.
Therapeutics. It refreshes and prevents decay of tissue; a nervous stimulant, it contains a principle identical with theine or caffeine. The restorative power of Yerba-mate is thought much of, especially by nursing mothers and dyspeptic subjects. In French Codex, 1884.
Canadian Moonseed N. 0. Menispermacece.
Rhizome. Tonic, laxative, and alterative. Dose of fluid extract, 1 fluid drachm.
From Menispernum Fenestratum. N. 0. Menispermacese. This is the alkaloid: the name is given in the United States also to the yellowish extractive resinoid: alterative tonic. Dose, 1 to 4 grains of latter.
White Stearoptene of Japanese Mentha Arvensis N. 0. Labiatce. White acicular crystals. One of the two isomeric oils of which the Japan Oil of Peppermint consists; this solid Stearoptene, forming about half its weight, is used topically in neuralgia. Po-ho-yo is liquid Chinese oil of peppermint, containing menthol. A mixture of lanolin, menthol, and cocaine is excellent for neuralgia and chilblains. Emp. Menthol (Menthol, Wax, and Resin) is in the 1890 Add. to B. P.
Buck-bean, Bog-bean, or Marsh Trefoil; Indigenous. N. 0. Gentianacea.
This indigenous plant is again coming into use, after years of neglect.
Therapeutics. Its general action is that of an astringent tonic, but in larger doses it may produce vomiting.
"It has also lately been used with success as a remedy for functional amenorrhoea." - Dr. Pollock, Lancet, January 17th, 1885.
Dose: 15 to 30 minims of fl. ext. in half a tumbler of hot water.
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