Mercuric Benzoate

(C6 H5 C 02)2 Hg. + Aq.

Small white crystals, without smell or taste; little soluble in cold, more in hot water and alcohol.

In syphilis, 1/10 grain in pill daily.

For surgical dressings, 1 in 500 parts of water.

Mercuric Carbolate Or Phenylate

An organic salt of mercury. Colourless crystals, insoluble in water. Internally for syphilis, as being so easily absorbed; dose, 1/8 to 1/2 grain, in pill.

Mercuric Salicylate. C6H4OCOO Hg

A white, odourless, and tasteless powder, slightly soluble in water and alcohol. A strong and easily absorbed preparation of mercury, for Syphilis: 5 to 15 injections, at two days' interval between each. Externally in ointment; as an injection (1 grain to 2 pints water), for gonorrhoea; internally, 1 grain daily in pill, or 1/3 grain three times a day.

Mercurous Tannate

Green powder, without odour or taste, containing half its weight of the metal. For syphilis, rapidly absorbed, dose l 1/2 grain in pill.

Mercury Amido-Propinate. Hg (CH3 CH (NH2) COO)2

White crystalline powder, safe and effective, for syphilis. Internally and injected subcutaneously; dose, 1/10 to 1/5 grain.

Mercury Forma Mide. C H 0 N Hg. (H. CO. NH)2 Hg

Proposed by Liebeich for syphilis, subcutaneously. A colourless liquid, from which the metal is deposited in the tissues. Formamide (CHO. NH2) a colourless liquid, is prepared by heating ethyl formate with alcoholic ammonia; this dissolves mercuric oxide. Solution, 1 % of mercury formamide for subcutaneous injection in tertiary syphilis, very easily absorbed. Keep in brown glass. Dose, half to one ordinary hypodermic syringeful.

Mercury, Double Chloride Of, And Ammonium

Sal Alembroth.

One molecule of Hg. sublimate in combination with two of ammonium chloride. In white crystals, soluble in water; a powerful, non-irritating, external antiseptic. Gauze containing 1 % and also 2 %, wool and cotton wool containing 2 %, are used. Also subcutaneously for syphilis, 1/2 grain in water once or twice a week.