Mercury Imido-Succinate

Mercuric-succinimide. For intramuscular injections in syphilis.

Mercury Imido-succinate .. 2 grammes [30 grains].

Cocaine Muriate .. ...... 1 gramme [15 grains].

Distilled Water .. .. 100 grammes [3 3/8 fl. oz.].

Filter: - Inject one syringeful [16 minims] daily.

Mercury Of Zinc

Involute Cyanides.

Recommended by Lister for surgical dressings.

A white crystalline powder, insoluble in water. According to Dunstan this is a physical involution of particles of soluble mercury cyanide, about 36 per cent., by coatings of insoluble zinc cyanide, occluding or enclosing the first named.

To be made into a thickened mass with starch paste, to which may very well be added a solution of mercuric chloride (1 in 4,000) for non-irritating surgical dressings. - Sir J. Lister, Lancet, 4-1-90.


An odourless, slightly bitter, crystalline powder, having a saline taste and melting at 127 C. It is soluble in cold water, but more easily so in warm, and still more readily in alcohol. It lowers the temperature to some extent in fever in doses of 3 to 5 grains.

Methyl Chloride. CH3C1

A liquified gas, used as a spray, as a local anaesthetic, for sciatica and similar neuralgic affections.


Dimethyl Ether of Methylene. Methene Dimethylate. C3 H8 02 = CH2 (0 CH3)2

A colourless fluid with ethereal odour and pungent taste. Soluble in water (3 parts) and alcohol, and boiling at 107° F. S. g. "855.

Therapeutics. A soothing hypnotic. Externally, as an anodyne, in oil or ointment, with 15 % of Methylal; internally, in doses of 20 to 50 grains to produce sleep.


Syr. Aurantii ............1 ounce.

Methylal ...............20 grains.

Aquae ...............2 ounces.

To take as one dose.

A powerful and quick hypnotic, but its effects very soon pass off.