This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
For intramuscular hypodermic injections in syphilis.
Mercury Thymol-acetate | 1 gramme | [15 grains]. |
Glycerin .. | 10 grammes | [2 fl. dr.]. |
Cocaine Muriate | 0.1 gramme | [1 1/2 grains]. |
Inject one syringeful [16 minims] weekly. - Bulletin, Merck., December, 1890.
Grey Oil - A mixture of lanolin and mercurial ointment, equal parts, liquified with olive oil, 4 parts to 6 parts of the solid mixture; it contains 30 per cent, of metallic mercury. It is injected subcutaneously in syphilis.
Acetanilid (antifebrin).
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