This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Methylene. M, Chloride, M. Bichloride. CH2 Cl2
A heavy volatile colourless mobile liquid, with a chloroform odour; by Sir Spencer Wells and others, preferred to chloroform as an anaesthetic, on account of its not producing vomiting. In its place, a mixture, by measure, of 4 parts of chloroform and 1 part of methylic alcohol has been used with success. - Brit. Med. Jour. 1884, page 452.
(See Yerba Buena.)
"A white inodorous superfatted soap, containing about 17 per cent, excess of fatty matter." - Extra Pharm., page 254, Martindale.
A good base for ointments, as M: Hydragyri (33 % Mercury) and M: Potass. Iodid. (10 % Pot. Iod.)
Chrysophyllum glycyphlceum. C. Buranheim S. America. N. 0. Sapotacece.
Imported as a vegetable extract. Also the stringent bark, excessively heavy, from this source. [Monesin, the acrid principle, is identical with Saponin; 1/4 grain.] Monesia is an excitant alterative and astringent in diarrhoea. Dose of fluid extract, 1 fluid drachm.
A derivative of Acetanilid. For rheumatism and neuralgia; dose, 1 to 5 grains.
White needle crystals, or white powder: soluble in 25 parts of water. A good sedative narcotic. Dose, 1/10 to 1/2 grain; dose of syrup (1/8 grain to fluid drachm), 1 to 4 fluid drachms.
Natural salt existing in opium. Dose,1/10 to 1/2 grain. Dose of Liq. M. Bimecon. is 10 to 30 drops.
In Non-crystalline glassy scales.
Pure morphine added to hot solution of phthalic acid, very soluble (in 5 parts of water) and permanent. Internally and for hypodermic injection. It contains 77 % of the alkaloid.
Quinine Phthalate (50 % Quinine) is also known.
Soluble in water; and used hypodermically. Dose, 1/10 to 1/2 grain.
An extract of cod liver oil, in which the reputed active constituents are concentrated, one part representing 30 parts of the oil. Prepared by treating oil with proof spirit, afterwards distilled away, leaving this aromatic, bitter, soft extract. Dose, 3 grains or more, in capsules.
Lipanine, an emulsion of 5 per cent, of oleic acid in olive oil, has been suggested as a substitute for cod liver oil.
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