This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
From Carica Papaya {which see).
Several carnivorous plants dissolve animal flesh by their secreting a pepsine-like ferment; such is Papain. It resembles Pancreatin, and, unlike pepsine, it dissolves fibrine in the presence of an alkali.
Therapeutics. Often removes obstinate, hard, horny epidermis, and even living tissues, as in the case of cancer, the membrane of croup, etc.; 12 grains to 5 grains borax in 2 drachms water, to paint parts, in chronic eczema, etc, and in diphtheria. The dry juice of Papaw contains about one-sixth of Papaine: the latter should digest 200 times its weight of fibrine.
A solution, active in diphtheria, is Papayotin...............1 ounce.
Glycerine...............4 ounces.
Water ...............4 ounces.
Paint the membranes with a camel's-hair brush.
"Of marked value in syphilitic ulcers of the throat and tongue: in lozenges." - E. H. Fenwick, Lancet, September 24th, 1887.
Papaine ...............1/8 grain.
Cocaine ...............1/8 grain.
Potass. Bicarb.............1/4 grain.
From its effects, Papain is a most useful alternative to Pepsin in dyspepsia; valuable in painful acid dyspepsia. Dose, 1 to 2 grains, with 5 grains sugar of milk, and in an alkaline mixture.
Papaverine. C20H21NO4 Opium Alkaloid.
White needle crystals; narcotic. Dose, 1/4 grain. The hydro-chlorate and phosphate are used with the same dose.
Paracotoine. C19H1206 Active principle of Paracoto Bark.
Pale yellow, shining flakes; tasteless. Soluble in ether and alcohol.
Valuable in cholera, in hypodermic injection, dissolved in alcohol; or internally, in powder or mixture. In doses of 1/2 to 1 grain, several times a day. Is similar to, but less active than, Cotoine.
Paraldehydum. Paraldehyde. A Polymeric form of Aldehyde. C6 H12 03. (Aldehyde is C2 H4 0.)
"A product of the Polymerisation of Aldehyde by various acids or salts." - 1890 Add to B. P.
A colourless liquid, crystalline below 50° F., soluble in cold water, 1 in 10; of a disagreeable odour and taste.
Therapeutics. It induces sleep, resembling that from chloroform, but strengthening the heart, without digestive disturbances or headache, and with easy return to consciousness. Used internally (dose, 1/2 to l 1/2 fluid drachms in 3 to 4 ounces of water), and hypodermically. Antagonistic to strychnine. It is also strongly diuretic. A glass of cold milk is a capital vehicle for a dose of 1 drachm.
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