Therapeutics. It gives oxygen to the blood, improves digestion, and does good in the spasms of whooping cough and dyspnoea. Solution, 1 to 10 strength. Dose, 1 drachm to 1/2 ounce fluid, freely diluted with water. Is also a powerful, penetrating non-poisonous antiseptic, used internally and externally (in an ointment, 1 to 8 of lard) in scarlatina. It destroys organized fermentations, as pus, with liberation of oxygen (though not diastase fermentations): valuable for surgical dressings, especially for soft chancre and wounds with pus - dress with it several times a day and apply lint saturated with it.

Relieves paroxysms of whooping cough and dyspnoea of mucopurulent bronchitis, in doses of 1 to 4 fluid drachms, freely diluted. Ozonic ether is its solution in ether : once supposed of great benefit in diabetes, but since rejected by Dr. Pavy, etc.

Formula. Two drachms of 4 % solution in 4 times as much water, three times a day; also as a spray to the throat or nose.