Fabiana Imbricata. Peru, Chili. N. 0. Solanaceæ.

Characteristics. A woody shrub growing on rocky hill-tops, with plume-like sprays, the small densely crowded leaves much resembling those of a conifer. The branches and leafy branchlets are resinous, with an aromatic odour and taste.

It contains an essential oil, resin, a fluorescent crystallizing sub-stance, and a bitter alkaloid, "Fabianine."

Therapeutics. A diuretic of value in inflammation of bladder and catarrh of the urinary tract.

"Of undoubted value in lithiasis and renal stone: less in chronic cystitis." - E. H. Fenwick, Lancet, Sept. 26th, 1887.

"In cystitis, Dr. Wyman gave it in 15 drop doses in water every three hours for twenty-four hours, with rapid diminution of pain, mucous and pus." - Therapeutic Gazette, 1886, p. 221.

Formula in lithuria.

Fl. ext. Piché ............1 ounce.

Potass. Nit. ................... 1 drachm.

Elixir Simp. ............3 ounces.

M. A teaspoonful every three hours.

Dose: Fluid extract, 1/2 to 1 drachm. Infusion: a wineglassful.