Pussy willow, Black willow. N.America. N.O. Amentaceæ.

This tree, with lanceolate leaves and soft catkins, grows on the banks of streams in the Southern States of North America: its bark is used.

Therapeutics. A sexual sedative, especially in irritation and pain at the menstrual periods in nervous women: a strong anaphrodisiac.

"In 75% of such patients, great relief was obtained after several days' treatment, by 1/2 drachm doses of the fluid extract, three times a day." - Dr. Hutchison, British Medical Journal, July 30th, 1887.

"A sexual sedative of decided value, useful in ovarian hyperæsthesia and seminal emissions, and urethral neuralgia. Dose: 1/2 to 1 drachm. Sodium salicylate is also useful in urethral pain, in doses of 5 to 8 grains." - Mr. E. H. Fenwick, Lancet, Sept. 24th, 1887.