
From Scutellaria Latifolia, Skull Cap. N. 0. Labiates.

Yellowish-brown dried extractive; tonic stimulant to nervous system. Dose, 2 to 4 grains.

Sethia Acuminata

India, Ceylon. N. 0. Erythroxylacecæ.

The leaves of this small tree are used by the natives as a vermifuge, especially for lumbrici, 2 drachms of the powdered leaves at a time.

Taste, not unpleasant. It contains an alkaloid, for which the name Sethine has been proposed. Dose of fluid extract, 60 to 120 minims.

Siegesbeckia Orientalis

Asia. N. 0. Composite.

A herb with a bitter taste, used especially in Mauritius.


Alterative and depurative in syphilis: similar to Sarsaparilla.

In ringworm and herpes it has special value: a mixture of the tincture and glycerine must be very well rubbed on the parts affected; 1 to 3 ounces of the former to 1 ounce of the latter. The tincture also stimulates the stomach like Chamomiles.

Simaba Cedron

(See Cedron.)


Capparis coriacea. Peru. (A caper plant.) N.O.Capparidacecæ.

The fruit is used, powdered, 1 part in 10 of wine. Dose of this wine, 2 ounces twice a day. Dose of tincture, 1 drachm. In nervous diseases, as epilepsy, hysteria, etc.

Sodium Benzoate. Na. C7 H5 02

"This salt may be obtained by neutralising benzoic acid with solution of carbonate of sodium and evaporating to dryness.

Characters. A white crystalline powder, having a faint odour, and a sweetish taste. Soluble in water, and in twenty-four parts of rectified spirit." - 1890 Add. to B. P.

Therapeutics. In diphtheria, 7 to 15 grains every hour; also in summer diarrhoea of children, 1/2 drachm in solution, divided during the day. Dose, 10 to 30 grains.

Sodium Dithiosalicylate

A combination of 2 atoms of sulphur with 2 molecules of sodium salicylate; dithiosalicylic acid being obtained from sulphur chloride and salicylic acid.

A whitish grey powder, very soluble in water. For articular rheumatism, quickly lowering temperature, without causing stomach disturbance; stronger than the salicylate.

Dose, 3 to 5 grains, morning and night.