Sodium Ethylate. C2 H5 Na 0

(Alcohol is C2 H5 H O.)

Viscid brown liquid, produced by dissolving sodium in absolute alcohol. Also in a whitish powder. A strong caustic. Has been used for lupus, in a solution of equal parts in alcohol or water

Sodium Fluosilicate

Prepared by saturating with Sodium carbonate a solution in water of hydrofluosilicic acid.

In powder: a caustic powerful antiseptic; must be used in dilute solution, in water 1 in 200 or 1 in 500. To be injected into suppurating ulcers in nose, ear, vagina, urethra, etc.

Sodium Hippur ate. C9 H8 Na N03. HO

Greyish-white odourless powder, with faint alkaline taste. Believed to remove excess of uric acid in gout, gravel, or calculus. Dose, 10 grains, in powder or aromatic mixture. The hippurates are supposed to replace the urates; Dr. Garrod, Lancet, 1883, p. 672.

Sodium Paracresotinate

(See Paracresotic Acid.)

Sodium Santonate. Na2 C15 H18 O4

White Crystals. Santonin (supposed to be the anhydride of an acid) combined with sodium; Vermifuge; 5 grains for threadworms.

Sodium Sulphovinate. Na. C2 H5 SO4

Ethylsulphate of Sodium.

A white granular or crystalline powder, deliquescent and unstable. A mild but active cathartic, in doses of 2 drachms for children and 3 drachms for adults, in 2 glasses of water. In French Codex, 1884.

Sodium Taurocholate

A whitish powder, from bile, generally pig's bile. In the dyspepsia of gout: dose, 2 to 5 grains in pill.

Solanum Paniculatum

Jurubeba. Brazil. N. 0. Solanacecæe.

Characteristics. A Brazilian plant, used there as an alterative tonic in syphilis, liver diseases, etc. It is purgative and diuretic, but specially purifying to the blood.

Infusion: 15 grains to 200 of water, three or four times a day.

Therapeutics. The powdered extract Jurubebin, was given in the United States for syphilis, combined with the powdered extracts of Yerba Buena (page 113) and Damiana (page 44). Dose of fl. ext., 2 to 5 drops. It has fallen into disuse.