Generally used as Sodium-Sozoiodol or C6 H212 S03 Na (OH) + 2 H2 0, or OH S03Na+2H20

This is a compound of iodine (53 %), carbolic acid (20 %), and sulphur (7 %), and is an antiseptic and substitute for iodoform in external dressings to wounds, etc. Sodium-sozoiodol is in colourless, odourless crystals, dissolving in water. Potassium-sozoiodol is much less soluble in water.

Therapeutics. It is specially valuable in catarrh and ulcers of the larynx and nose, in ozoema, etc. Used pure, or diluted, as a dusting powder or in a solution, without any bad after effects. Mercury-sozoiodol has been used in syphilitic sores. All these salts promote the healing process. While sodium-sozoiodol is used generally pure, potassium-sozoiodol may be used pure or mixed with equal parts of sugar of milk; zinc-sozoiodol, as 1 to 5 or 1 to 10 parts of sugar of milk; and mercury-sozoiodol in dilution of 1 to 10 or 1 to 20.