(Or C8 H13 N. Dragendorff)From Spartium Scoparium, (Cytisus scoparius).

Another alkaloid and a stronger diuretic than Scoparine. A colourless liquid; the sulphate is a white crystallisable powder, easily soluble in water.

Therapeutics. The Sulphate works on the kidneys, by contracting them, without disturbance or pain. Dose, 1/4 grain hypodermically injected; or 1/2 grain in pill or solution. A heart tonic, good in dropsy.

"A safe drug - 5-grain doses have no bad effect. A fairly powerful diuretic in cardiac cases, with no effect on brain or cord. Is useful in chronic, but useless in acute, kidney disease. Occasionally gives slight dyspeptic trouble." - Prof. Leech, Lancet, August 13th, 1887.