Piperazidine. Pyrazidine. Piperazine. Diethylendiamine. Ethyleneimine.

The above six names are those of the same compound, synthetic Spermine.


In 1878 Schreiner obtained a crystalline base, C2H5N, from spermatic liquid, commented on by Brown-Sequard. This (with excitant properties) is not yet produced for sale.

True Spermine is an organic base, found by Brown-Sequard to be a stimulant to the nervous system. Its phosphate forms crystals. The hydrochlorate of true Spermine from bulls, etc, has lately been found to increase the heart's action.

In 1888, Ladenburg and Abel, working on the imines, obtained from ethylenediamine hydrochloride (which is believed to have stimulating properties) a base, which new compound corresponds very closely in all its properties to Spermine. This is diethylenediimine or piperazidine, a white crystalline powder.

Therapeutics. It is well worthy of a trial as a substitute for Lithia in gout; it has a remarkable power to dissolve uric acid and urates; soluble in cold water, it is twelve times as powerful in dissolving uric acid as lithium carbonate, its urate being seven times more soluble in water than lithium urate.

Dr. Vogt, of Paris, found this base, Piperazidine, non-toxic, decreasing amount of urea in the urine: the hydrochloride is believed to be successful in nervous debility in men; dose, 5 to 10 grains.

Piperazin. purum in 3.5 % aqueous solution can be injected under the skin without any disadvantageous sequelę.

Piperazini hydrochloridum can be injected without injury in 20 % solution. For internal use the highest dose ordered is 15 grains. - Therapist, June, 1891. Statice Caroliniana. Marsh Rosemary. North America. N.O. Plumbacecę, Powerful astringent, containing 12 % of tannic acid; used in the United States, especially for ulcerated sore throat. [Baycuru from Statice Braziliensis is used in Brazil for glandular swellings.

Stillingia Sylvatica. Queen's or Yaw Root. N. America. N. 0. Euphorbiacecę. Root, with bitter taste and strong odour, preferably fresh: a powerful alterative and antisyphilitic. Dose of fluid extract, 10 to 60 minims. The mixed fluid extracts of Stillingia, Smilax Sarsaparilla (Bamboo-brier root), Lappa minor, Phytolacca decandra, and Xan-thoxylum Carolinianum, have been used by Dr. Marion Sims, for syphilis. Brit. Med. Jour. March 10th, 1883. Dose, one teaspoonful in water, thrice a day, gradually increased up to tablespoonful doses [Stillingin, extractive. Dose, 1 to 3 grains.] "The most satisfactory results have been obtained from the use of Stillingia in Syphilitic affections."Roberts Bartholow, Mat. Medica, 1876, page 234.