This section is from the book "Recent Materia Medica: Notes On Their Origin And Therapeutics", by F. Harwood Lescher. Also available from Amazon: Recent materia medica.
Characteristics. Is produced by mixing nitric acid, alcohol and turpentine. In large or small transparent rhombic crystals, which lose one atom of water at 212° F., becoming Terpin C10 H16 (H2 0)2. Inodorous and nearly tasteless, only slightly soluble in water, alcohol and ether, but soluble in glycerine.
Recommended by Lepine as "the best expectorant in existence." In bronchitis, asthma : best given in pills of 1 1/2 grains, with gum or balsam Tolu: 3 such pills three times a day.
Terpin hydrate ............... 8 grains.
Glycerine.................. 1 1/2 fl. drachms.
Alcohol .................. 2 1/2 fl. drachnis.
Syrup .................. 1 1/2 fl. drachms.
Ess. Vanilla ............... 10 minims.
To be taken as one dose.
Terpene is applied to all ethereal oils having the composition C10 H16: these in certain circumstances, with two molecules of water, form Terpin.
Terpinol is (C10 H16)2 H2 O.
(An oily liquid; phthisis; dose 2 drops.) Terpene hydrate is C10 H16 H2 0. Benzol is C6 H6.
[Thymol and Eucalyptol are C10H14O. Common Camphor is C10 H16 O.
Borneo Camphor is C10 H18 0.
Menthol is C10 H20 0.]
Phenol is benzol in which 1 at. of hydrogen is replaced by HO (hydroxyl): C6H5HO.
Toluol or Toluene is benzol, in which 1 at. of hydrogen is replaced by methyl (CH3), and as it is thus analogous to phenol itself, it has been defined as phenyl-methane : C6 H5. CH3 = C7 H8, or Methane, in which one H atom is replaced by Phenyl. It is useful in histological work.
Cymol or Cymene or Propyl Toluol is toluol in which an additional at. of hydrogen (of the benzol nucleus) is replaced by propyl (C3H7).C6H4.CH3. C3 H7 = C10 H14.
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