C10 H13 ON = C9 H10 CH3.NO = C9 H6 (O.CH3). (H4) N. Tetra-hydro-paramethyl-oxychinolin.

A chinolin derivative, produced by Dr. Skraup, in 1884, from coal tar.

Characteristics. - Crystalline whitish powder, with bitter taste and a penetrating odour of Coumarin. Soluble in water, less in alcohol.

It should be kept from the light. Its name comes from the green colour its salts give with ferric chloride and oxidizing agents.

The tartrate and sulphate, yellowish crystalline powders, are used; their solutions, with oxidizing substance, yield an emerald green.

Therapeutics. - A powerful antipyretic, reducing temperature.

Dose: 3 to 8 grains per day, in pill or solution of water, flavoured.

For injections in gonorrhoea, 1 drachm to 6 of water.

The sulphate is of real use in the typhoid fevers of children, to reduce temperature when it exceeds 100°. Dose: 2 to 4 grains, giving a second or third in the day if necessary.

The salts (as the sulphate) of the metal Thallium are very poisonous.